
2021: Nigerians recount experiences, ordeals

According to the definition given by reflection Psychology, Reflection is the examination of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings. In psychology, the process of reflection relies exclusively on observation of one’s mental state.

Reflection is an important part of the loop to go through in order to maximise the utility of having experiences. Rather than moving on to the next year, we can review the process and outcome of some decisions, examining the negative and positive effects while looking through the benefits of both effects.

As the year comes to an end, many would have learnt one or two lessons since the beginning of the year from different aspects of what life has to offer.

These lessons might be around relationships: (friendship, dating or marriage), finances, career, and decision making. Whatever that maybe there’s a saying that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. we can reconsider what the value of experience might be for us and for the context it was part of. However, sharing these lessons is a way of emptying oneself and moving beyond the bad experiences and setting one gaze at the light at the end of the tunnel.

Here are some of the compiled lessons learned:


2021 really humbled me,

  1. Good mental health is priority
  2. Struggle leads to growth
  3. We need each other
  4. change is cyclical


“I’ve learnt how to love genuinely, how to be grateful for the gift of life and how to give my best in everything I do.”


“At the commencement of the new year, there was a euphoria 💃🏼in my heart about things that I told myself I was going to achieve in the year, how to deal with friends and family. In the 6th month, I realized I had not achieved one third of what I planned to do, but I had learnt some lessons.
My lesson started in the 3rd month, I was betrayed by a friend. The bitter truth is that not everyone that smiles at you is a friend. It’s pertinent to know how to identify people’s position in your life, some people are friends (to be sincere these sets are always few) , they are people who will love you unconditionally, people you can rely on, listen to you without being judgemental. Another set are colleagues, classmates, neighbours, church members. Do not consider everyone you talk to a friend 😔.
A fact about life is disappointment will always come but when it comes from a friend, it hurts more, that being said, do not expect more from people, don’t expect everyone to be good to you as you are to them, choose your circle and do it well. This I learnt the hard way 😭

Another lesson learnt, as a lady, financial stability is key. When you are a lady that relies on others for money, well you’ve invariably given them access to be lord over you.
In pursuit of financial stability however, learn not to lose the faithful(friends) people in your life, because you can get so busy that you might gradually lose touch with them. Though they might keep in touch with you but it should be known that a relationship isn’t a one way thing, it shouldn’t appear to be forced.
Another lesson learnt: I’ve always been a person who can relate and tolerate any kind of person, but in months I’ve been taken for granted by people, so now I have my limits. Now I’ve kept some people at arm’s length. I believe the best of them, I wish them well, but I won’t be taken for granted, I won’t wait for a situation to arise and I’ll be told “I know you’d understand, I know you won’t take offence “🤧. ” I don’t like what I hate and I don’t hate what I like “. What I will guard against is someones’ actions or inactions changing me to who I’m not😄.”

Feliz Navidad✌🏽


“I advised the board of Directors on a range of issues from January, when I discussed it with some senior colleagues before facing the board, they told me it won’t be accepted and my dossier was too much, they would never read it

I proceeded to submit my dossier and just as I was advised, my report was discarded,

Not Up to 2 months of that advise, mist of the side effects I anticipated were already crystalizing… Very badly, faster than the rate I had even anticipated “


  • speak regardless


“Lessons learnt this year

1.What will be will be(Que sera sera)

2.Never be too kind i.e put no one above yourself…Do you always because not everyone deserves kindness.

3.Make the most of each moment because you only live once

4.One constant thing in life is growth so be the best version of yourself

  1. ALWAYS pursue your happiness first


1) Even though I don’t think this will stop as it is somehow a part of me, I’ve learnt that overthinking will sink you deeper than you want to go.
2) Guard your peace of mind, and do not give anyone the power to make you lose it
3) This is the most important lesson for me; you are never out of options or ideas, you just have to think and look deeper before you give up
4) Appreciate the relationship you have everyday with family/friends always because life is fickle and it’s not ours to keep so be sure to make every moment count.


“Even when you’re walking in the right direction, humans will still redirect your path but be sure to jump out of it and continue in your direction.Another I learnt is, distance actually reveals who our true friends and enemies are”

My name is Fadekemi,I’m a single mom in her 20s. I work as a carer,taking care of vulnerable adults and sick people.
This year 2021 has been really tough and challenging and I have learnt lots of lessons this year but I’ll be sharing a few of them.

  1. I have learnt to put myself first in all that I do. Whatever the situation is,whoever’s involved I should first consider myself right there on spot. It is totally bad to please others at the displeasure of myself. So I just do me and let the other people involved adjust.
  2. Live while you are alive,laugh while you still have teeth. Love yourself, love people around you. Appreciate people while you still have the time.
  3. Stop procrastinating!!!! Oh Good Lord! I should be a leader if procrastination has a committee. Do things while you still can. If you have a plan, start working towards it as soon as you can. Life waits for nobody!!
  4. My sisters and brothers,hustle ooooo. Any legit job you can do, do it too,anything just to be sure you earn your own money. Owning your money gives you a different level of confidence to brag about. My eyes has seen saw and cried because I was jobless at a point this year 2021

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