
Sen Nnamani buries mother today

The matriarch of Sen Chimaroke Nnamani family of Agbani in Enugu State, Mrs Elizabeth Nwachi Nnamani, will be buried today.

She will be buried at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home , Fairfax, Virginia, United States.

Madam Nnamani died on November 13, 2021 at Fairfax County, Virginia, United States, after a brief illness. She was aged 85.

A family statement by her son, the former governor of Enugu State and incumbent Senator representing Enugu East in the Senate, Sen Chimaroke Nnamani, stated that his mother before her death requested that she be buried in the United States, where she had lived for many years before her demise.

Sen Nnamani added that arrangement had been made for a livestream of the funeral programme from 6pm Nigerian time on Monday (today); Event ID: cnwaigwe@gmail.com . The Password is HNAHG6.

He said the traditional burial and funeral rites for his late mother will be held in her home town of Agbani, Nkanu West local Government Area of Enugu State at a later date .

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