
Nwosu: War of words as Anglican Communion kicks over Police invasion of church

The Archbishop, Anglican Province of Owerri, Most Rev Dr David O. C Onuoha, on Monday said the church would engage the Nigeria Police Force to know the reasons behind what led to the invasion and arrest of the Imo state 2019 governorship candidate, Uche Nwosu, last Sunday, at St Peters Anglican church at Nkwerre Local Government Area of Imo state.

The Anglican Bishop, spoke in a statement to newsmen in Owerri while reacting to the incident at the Anglican church in Nkwerre local government area of Imo state.

According to the Anglican Bishop, “It was a black Sunday yesterday December 26, 2021, as armed men in uniform invaded St Peter’s Anglican Church Eziama Obaire in Nkwerre Local Government Area, Diocese of Orlu in Imo State and roundly desecrated God’s sanctuary. The officiating priest had barely concluded the celebration and administration of the Holy Eucharist, ready for the end of year thanksgiving when armed men stormed the church. The Nigerian Police later explained that it was to effect an arrest.

“Much as we are not concerned or interested in the reason for this invasion, which is unprecedented in the more than 160 years history of the church in this state, we are gravely worried and disturbed that worshippers were greatly frightened, worried, confused and completely disorganized by the presence of heavily armed security operatives in the church service thereby disrupting the worship of God’s people.

“That the police jumped inside the church in a Gestapo style when the service was in full session is reprehensible, primitive, and highly condemnable. We are at a great loss why the police decided to throw caution to the winds and completely ignore internationally acclaimed rules of engagement and civility in this matter.

“The sporadic gunshots outside the church building sent worshippers scampering in different directions, signalling an abrupt and chaotic end of the service.

“While the church is in support of and have always been praying for the success of our security personnel in the daunting task and challenge of securing lives and property in our dear state and every effort at bringing the perpetrators/sponsors of this crime against humanity to book no matter how highly placed, we warn that such acts as the one in issue are capable of worsening the security challenges we are currently facing.

“The Church will in the next few days engage the Nigerian Police in a dialogue to truly understand the reasons behind this dastardly act and how to avoid a repeat occurrence. While this process is on, we urge all Christians to continue in prayers for God’s mercy on all of us and peace in our land.”

Adding his voice, The former governor of Imo state and the Senator representing Imo West Senatorial District, Rochas Okorocha, said he would wait for the next 24 hours for the police to free and release officially the offence of his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu, who was arrested last Sunday.

Okorocha was captured yesterday by Vanguard in Owerri, while he (Okorocha) reacted to the arrest of Nwosu, at St Peters Anglican Church in Eziama, Nkwerre Local Government Area of Imo state, during an outing service of Nwosu’s late mother.

He said that 24 hours was enough legally for the police to make public the offence of Nwosu and failure to do that he (Okorocha) would take legal action to demand his release.

As captured by Vanguard from Okorocha, “I am going to wait for 24 hours to know what Nwosu has done. We want to know his offences. 24 hours is enough for the police to do that which is legal. They should let the world know about his offences and failure to do that I will take legal action to demand his release.”

This is coming as Nwosu, who was the Imo state 2019 governorship candidate of the Action Alliance, AA, arrested last Sunday, has spent a night in the police custody as the police were yet to officially state his offences or make official that he has been released.

Just as his supporters were expecting that their boss could have been granted bail based on personal recognition and his status in society.

Also speaking, according to the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Imo state chapter, led by Reverend Eches Divine Eches said: “The Christian Association of Nigeria Imo state chapter hereby apologise to the Anglican Church over the recent incident of the arrest of Uche Nwosu in one of its parishes. We believe that this could have been avoided.

“As the umbrella body of Christians in the state, we support efforts by security agencies to bring any person fingered of involvement in any form of criminality in the state, to book. But the security agencies must be mindful of their mode of operations to avoid offending the sensitivity of our people and unwittingly allowing detractors to rubbish their good works.

“We want to make it abundantly clear that we support the Imo state government and the authorities in their determined efforts to rid the state of banditry and any kind of criminality in the state.

“Since nobody is above the law, government and security agencies should not relent in taking actions that would lead to the arrest and prosecution of anybody who has questions to answer,” CAN stated.

Reacting also, the Imo state government through the State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Declan Emelumba, said: “According to the Imo government, “The Imo State Government is aware of the futile efforts by some people to whip up public sentiments against it over the arrest in an Anglican Church of Mr Uche Nwosu. The plan is to de-emphasise the possible criminality behind his arrest by playing up the desecration of a church.

“For the avoidance of doubt, while the government believes that no stone should be spared in the effort to rid the state of criminality and banditry, it will not support any form of disrespect for a place of worship by security agencies. In this regard, the arrest of Mr Nwosu within the church premises could have been avoided and therefore stands condemned.

“While government regrets the manner the arrest was made we wish to emphasize that since it was purely a security matter, the full reason why such an action was taken will eventually unfold, and perhaps guide the public better.

“Government, therefore, wishes to appeal to those negatively affected by the action to bear with the security agencies. His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Imo State, Senator Hope Uzodinma holds the Anglican Communion in very high esteem and will never support any act that will disrespect her reverential status as a place of Divine worship. The government will continue to protect the interest of citizens of the state while not impeding the work of security agencies,” the government said.

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