
North suffering under Buhari govt, South major beneficiary —Northern groups

The Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) has described the North as the major sufferer under President Muhammadu Buhari administration.

The group also said that the South has remained the beneficiary of his administration, adding that he was made by the Southerners in 2015.

Acknowledging that Buhari appointed more northerners into critical national positions than the Southern part of the country, the group said the appointments were not yardsticks to judge a people’s development or prosperity

The CNG spokesman, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, made the comment while speaking on some national issues.

He maintained that President Buhari was not the candidate for the North in 2015, but was packaged by southern political forces.

He explained that when Buhari was presented by the South as the only alternative to Jonathan, the North, which was groaning under the burden of Boko Haram bombs and bullets at that time, was left with no option.

Suleiman said, “We all can testify that the North has been the major casualty of the policies of the Buhari administration while the South is the major beneficiary. As far as the North is concerned, Buhari was not the candidate for the North but an arrangement made by the South to suit certain interests.”

On Buhari’s appointments he said, “This (appointment of northerners into critical positions) cannot be a yardstick for judging a people’s development or prosperity.”

Suleiman decried that with all the propaganda about the lopsidedness in Buhari’s appointments into key security positions, the North continues to face the severest security situation than all the other regions.

He said being a northerner in the office does not translate to preference in terms of service delivery.

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