
Nigeria Doomed Without a New Constitution, Warns Anyaoku, Adebanjo, others

In a momentous gathering of elder statesmen, serving lawmakers, political leaders, and legal luminaries in Lagos, the urgent call for a new constitution echoed through the halls.

The consensus was clear: Nigeria stands at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented challenges in security, socio-economic stability, and national unity.

The event, organized by The Patriots, honored the late legal luminary, Professor Ben Nwabueze, SAN, while serving as a platform for a National Constitutional Dialogue.

Themed “Lawful Procedures For Actualising A People’s Constitution for Nigeria,” the dialogue highlighted the pressing need to discard the flawed 1999 constitution and pave the way for a new, people-driven constitution.

Participants underscored that the existing constitution lacks legitimacy and has proven inadequate in addressing the nation’s multifaceted crises.

Eminent figures such as Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Senator Ike Nwachukwu, and Obong Victor Attah shared their insights and concerns. They lamented the recurring cycle of constitution amendments, emphasizing the futility of these efforts without tangible results.

The consensus among speakers was unequivocal: Nigeria requires a paradigm shift towards true federalism, devolving power to the federating units, and ensuring equitable representation and governance.

They advocated for embracing the recommendations of the 2014 National Conference as a foundation for crafting a new constitution, one that reflects the aspirations and diversity of the Nigerian people.

Governor Sanwo-Olu pledged to collaborate with stakeholders to advance the cause of true federalism, expressing frustration with the disconnect between federal directives and local realities.

Senator Tambuwal said he was committed to championing the issue in the National Assembly, recognizing the urgency of the matter.

Former Minister of Transportation, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, emphasized the need for decisive action, warning against complacency in the face of mounting challenges.

“We have had this talk over and over, there’s no change. There’s a need to do something,” Amaechi said

Meanwhile, Aregbesola advocated for a return to the parliamentary system of government, citing concerns over the efficacy of the executive presidential system.

Highlighting the flaws of the current constitution, Chief Ozekhome delivered a compelling argument for a new grundnorm based on democratic principles and popular consensus. He emphasized the need for a constitutional referendum, empowering the Nigerian people to shape their destiny.

The dialogue also delved into the intricacies of constitutional reform, with participants exploring various avenues to enact meaningful change. Chief Anyaoku’s call to action underscored the importance of leveraging existing structures, such as the 2014 National Conference, as a basis for constitutional overhaul.

Moreover, the event shed light on the critical role of the National Assembly in facilitating the transition to a new constitution. Senator Tambuwal’s pledge to champion the cause within the legislative arena reflects a growing consensus among lawmakers for constitutional reform.

Chief Ozekhome’s impassioned plea for a constitutional referendum resonated with attendees, highlighting the need for popular participation in shaping the nation’s destiny. His proposal for a National Referendum Commission signifies a pragmatic approach to garnering public input and consensus.

The legacy of Professor Ben Nwabueze, SAN, loomed large over the proceedings, as participants honored his tireless advocacy for constitutional reform.

His daughter, Mrs. Nene Okwuosa, reiterated his vision for a more equitable and democratic Nigeria, emphasizing the imperative of devolving power to the federating units.

As the dialogue concluded, a sense of purpose and determination permeated the room, underscoring the urgency of the task ahead. With Nigeria at a crossroads, leaders from across the political spectrum have united in their call for constitutional reform, recognizing it as the linchpin for addressing the nation’s most pressing challenges.

In closing, Chief Anyaoku reiterated ‘The Patriots’ commitment to advancing the agenda for a people’s constitution, pledging to engage President Tinubu and other stakeholders in the dialogue. He expressed confidence in the prospects for meaningful change, citing the receptive disposition of key decision-makers.

The gathering concluded with a sense of urgency and determination, echoing the sentiment that Nigeria’s future hinges on the adoption of a new constitution that reflects the will and aspirations of its people.

In the coming days and weeks, the momentum generated by the National Constitutional Dialogue is expected to catalyze broader public engagement and advocacy for constitutional change.

As the nation embarks on this historic journey, the voices of ordinary Nigerians will be paramount in shaping the future of their beloved country.

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